You will show me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness and joy, and in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
May God abundantly bless you!
May God abundantly bless you!
John 1:39
The experience of the full Eucharist.
Every Sunday we gather at 8:30 and 10:30. The 8:30, Rite 1 service is one of quiet reverence and spoken worship. 10:30 service features contemporary language within the Rite 2 liturgy, accompanied by organ, piano and choir. Both are family friendly and all are welcome.
No Sunday is complete without good coffee, compelling Bible study and deepening friendships…our brand of fellowship.
A substantive passion for our Savior is enjoyed when we Eucharist and fellowship together regularly. We enjoy Sundays in order to inform how we live out and enjoy the rest of our week. This means every day of our lives becomes an outline of our first promise to God in response to His unending love for us.
The experience of Sunday requires a response from all of us; as an outflowing of our Baptismal promise we make to God, our love for Him should be a requited love. A substantive passion for our Savoir is enjoyed when we Eucharist and fellowship together regularly. We enjoy Sundays in order to inform how we live out and enjoy the rest of our week. This means every day of our lives becomes an outline of our first promise to God as a response to His unending love for us. We call this first promise, our Baptismal Covenant. Everything we do, on and off this church campus, should look and love like the devotion Heaven has for us.
Sunday 8:30am
Holy Eucharist – Rite I
Sunday 10:30am
Holy Eucharist – Rite II
After considerable discernment, in prayer and in discussion, the Holy Comforter School Board has made the decision to the close the school. May 22, 2025 will be the last day of school and operation. We are grateful to God for all of the families we have been blessed with over the years.