As a fulfillment of our baptismal covenant and affirmed at each Eucharist we involve ourselves in the creative life and work of our church family’s mission within the community. Our mission draws its meaning from the promise we make at our baptism:
Do you believe in God the Father, in Jesus Christ our Lord and in the Holy Spirit? Above all else we are first pledged, and most deeply bonded through the holy mysteries we call Eucharist. By partaking in Something bigger than us by means of bread and wine, everything else is an extension of this sacred act. Communion is our collective perspective.
Will you continue in the Apostle’s teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers? We find a better bond of fellowship and friendship through weekly Bible study, contemplative worship, and various on going.
Christian Education Classes for adults and children are offered on Sunday mornings. Small groups and classes meet during the week as well. Vacation Bible School is an annual fun-filled educational extravaganza!
Every Sunday the Parish Hall is abuzz with laughter and conversation during weekly coffee hour. Frequent lunches and special dinners offer opportunities for parishioners to build friendships.
Members of the Vestry, who are elected by the congregation, along with the Rector, comprise our spiritual and administrative leadership ministry.
Sunday 8:30am
Holy Eucharist – Rite I
Sunday 10:30am
Holy Eucharist – Rite II
After considerable discernment, in prayer and in discussion, the Holy Comforter School Board has made the decision to the close the school. May 22, 2025 will be the last day of school and operation. We are grateful to God for all of the families we have been blessed with over the years.